Explore ethical non-monogamy and enhance your sexual education with our expert coaching and connection services

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Swing Lifestyle/ENM/Kink Exploration Coaching


Virtual coaching for singles, couples, and small groups looking to grow their relationships with any form of ethical non-monogamy.

Or maybe you want to discuss what went wrong from your last date and find more sexcess in the lifestyle. Package includes an intake assessment and two 45-minute coaching sessions.


Not finding the connections you want? It almost always starts with a bad profile. Dating and swinging are hard enough as is, don’t make it harder on yourself.

We tailor your profile to attract the connections you are looking for. Showcase your personality, interests and set the right hook.

Includes profile write-up and one revision.

Unsure how to navigate a meet & greet, a party or a club. Wishing a Sexual Sherpa was by your side lighting the way?

We have experienced male and female lifestylers that are great wingmen and wingwomen. These 90-minute, strictly platonic engagements with our sherpas serve to break the ice and help you make connections.

*Available for events in Southern California

Dating/Lifestyle Profile
The Welcuming Committee - Bring A Sherpa With You!

Helping you own your desires and play without limits!

Party Starter!

Looking to throw a lifestyle party or event and don’t know where to start? Need help identifying the right guests and setting up appropriate rules and boundaries?

We offer custom packages to help your event succeed. We can help find the right venue, promote your event, help on guest selection and help set party guidelines to ensure you have the best, safest and most enjoyable night!

Not Ready To Commit?

Schedule A Quickie Today - Consultations Can Be Done Anonymously